A world Bank Team had an interaction with Jana Bhawana Campus Team on 2nd Falgun 2080. The world
Bank team comprised of 7 members, Nicole Klingen, Director for Human Development, South Asia
Region, Ayesha Vawda, Program Leader for Human Development, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Nepal,
Sachiko Kataoka, Senior Economist, Education Practice Group, Monica Yanez Pagans, Senior Economist,
Education Practice Group, Mohan Aryal, Senior Operations Officer, Education Practice Group, Mamata
Ghimire, Economist, Health Practice Group, and Jasmine Rajbhandary, Senior Social Protection
Specialist, Social Protection and Jobs Practice Group. The participants from Jana Bhawana Campus were
Campus Management Committee’s members, Academic leaders, faculties and representative students
from BA/BSW, BBS, BCA, BEd, BITE and MBS program.
The Campus Chief, Mr. Shiva Raj Sanjel welcomed the World Bank team. And, Asst. Campus Chief, Mr.
Govinda Sanjel presented in the issues like, role of community campuses in delivering quality education,
efforts being made by Jana Bhawana Campus to ensure quality education, challenges in higher
education and expectation from World Bank in the program. The World Bank team had interaction with
students regarding their problems, their expectations and future intention.