Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) 4 years’ program
This is a course designed by Tribhuvan University to prepare competent teachers for secondary levels in such specialization areas Nepali Education, English Education, Mathematics Education, Population Education etc. The programs aims to prepare professionally sounds teachers required for the secondary schools and develop professionally trained and qualified human resources in the field of education policy , planning, management and supervision.
First Year Course of Study
General English |
411 |
अनिवार्य नेपाली |
४०१ |
Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking |
417 |
Foundations of Language and Linguistics |
416 |
नेपाली नाटक, एकाङ्की र निबन्ध |
४१७ |
नेपाली कथा र उपन्यास |
४१६ |
Foundation of Population Education |
416 |
Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education |
412 |
Second Year Course of Study
Expanding Horizons in English |
422 |
English for Communication |
423 |
Basics of Academic Writing |
424 |
भाषाविज्ञान र नेपाली भाषा |
४२२ |
नेपाली भाषा पाठ्यक्रम, पाठ्यपुस्तक तथा शिक्षण पद्धति |
४२४ |
नेपाली कविताकाव्य |
४२३ |
Population Situation of Nepal |
428 |
Population Dynamics |
429 |
Educational Psychology |
421 |
Second Year Course of Study
Curriculum and Evaluation |
431 |
Critical Readings in English |
433 |
English Language Teaching Methods and Practices |
432 |
English for Mass Communication |
434 |
नेपाली भाषाशिक्षण |
४३२ |
प्रायोगिक भाषाविज्ञान |
४३३ |
साहित्यशास्त्र र नेपाली समालोचना |
४३४ |
Course of Study Fourth Year
Classroom Instruction |
442 |
Research Methodology in English Education |
445 |
Literature for Language Development |
446 |
अनुसन्धान विधि |
४४५ |
व्यावहारिक लेखन तथा सम्पादन |
४४६ |
Project Work and Seminar on Population Education |
449 |