Master of Business studies (MBS) Semester program

MBS two years program is run in this campus since 2070 BS and semester program is being run in this campus since 2074 BS in affiliation of TU, in the morning shift. The Masters of Business Studies (MBS) is a common purpose program in Semester system, designed to enable the students to work as competent managers and to meet the demand of higher level managers in organizations, particularly in the functional0 areas of management. Upon graduation, a student should be able to function as a manager in business, industry, government and non-government sectors, within and outside the country, in areas like accounting, marketing, finance and general management.

Through these academic programs, the collage is continuously ensuring quality education. Not limiting within the boundaries of the curriculum and the pedagogy prescribed by the University, the campus has been fostering the pragmatic approaches in the curriculum enhancement and enrichment to maintain the quality in teaching and learning.


Course Designed for MBS-Semester Program

First Semester 15 Credit Hours

MKT  511 Marketing Management 3 Cr.

ECO 512   Managerial Economics 3 Cr.

MSC 514 Statistical Methods3 Cr.

MGT 515 Organizational Behavior 3 Cr.

MGT 519 Managerial Communication 3 Cr.

Second Semester

FIN 510 Financial Management 3 Cr.

MGT 513 Human Resource  Management 3 Cr.

MSC 516  production & Operation Management 3 Cr.

ACC 517 Management Accountancy 3 Cr.

MGT 518 Business Environment 3 Cr.

Third Semester

Acc 519 Accounting for Financial and Managerial Decision And Control 3 Cr.

MSC 521 Research Methodology 3 Cr.

MGT522 International Business 3 Cr.

MGT 524 Entreprenuership  3 Cr.

FIN 688 Corporate Finance 

Fourth Semester: Specialization Courses

MGT 523 Strategic Management  3 Cr.

FIN 685 Financial Markets and Institutions 3 Cr.

FIN 689  Investment Management  3Cr

MGT 690 Dissertation  6 Cr.

