The Peer Review Team’s Assessment Visit Accomplished(2076.05.20)

The Peer Review Team formed by University Grants Commission Nepal, Higher Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council completed its Peer Review Team’s assessment visit at Jana Bhawana Campus on 20th Bhadra 2076. The team led by Prof. Dr. Mana Prasad Wagley that comprised of Prof. Dr. Mahaling Dongare (Foreign Expert), Prof. Dr. Puspa Raj Sharma, Prof. Dr. Mala Malla and Mr. Gopal Acharya, QAA, Program Officer, UGC Nepal as team member made assessment through various procedures. The team engaged with IQAC, CMC, SAT, RMC, Academic leaders, Faculties, Administrative staff, students, parents, community people, employers, Alumni, cells, units and other stakeholders for the peer review. The team completed its visit with the exit meeting with concerned stakeholders of the campus. The coordinator of the Peer Review Team Prof. Dr. Mana Prasad Wagley presented the major observations and recommendations on behalf of the team. The Foreign Expert Prof. Dr. Mahaling Dongare also shared his experience in the program. The Campus Chief, Mr. Shiva Raj Sanjel, made commitments to address the issues of the recommendation in due time.

The Peer Review Team and other Guests attending the Exit Meeting
The participants representing various stakeholders attending the Exit Meeting.
The coordinator of the Peer Review Team Prof. Dr. Mana Prasad Wagley handing over the Assessment Report to the Chair of CMC, JBC
The Director, QAA, UGC Nepal addressing the Exit Meeting of the Peer Review Team’s Assessment
