Jana Bhawana Campus, Situated at Godawari-11, Chapagaun, Lalitpur, is a leading academic institution established in 1991 by a team of renowned academicians, educationists and professionals. It was certified as a "QAA certified institution" in the year 2019 by University Grants Commission (UGC), Nepal and has been striving forward with potent determination, dedication and well-set plan to become an&nb...
Learn MoreThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum
MBS two years program is run in this campus since 2070 BS and semester program is being run in this campus since 2074 BS...
Bachelor of Business studies is initiated in this campus from 2060 BS with affiliation of Tribhuvan University in mornin...
Bachelor of Computer Application is a four year technical academic program which provides a Bachelor degree in technical...