Dept. of Accountancy & Fin. Management

Department of Accountancy& Financial Management is a pioneer department for providing management education in Jana Bhawana Campus. Management Programme currently offers Masters of Business studies (MBS) and Bachelors of Business Studies (BBS) courses to the students, with the aim of providing quality education to meet the challenges and to grasp the opportunities of the business world. Department of Accountancy& Financial Management enables the students to work as competent managers and to meet the demand of higher level managers in organizations, particularly in the functional areas of management. Upon graduation, a student should be able to work as a manager in business, industry, government and nongovernmental sector, within and outside the country, in areas like accounting, marketing, finance and general management.

S.N Title Name Designation Teaching Subjects Qualification Experience(Yrs)
1 HoD Narendra Maharjan Lecturer Accountancy,  Finance MBS 6
2 Member Nirmal Neupane Lecturer Statistics M.Sc 14
3 Member Roshan Karmacharya Lecturer Economics, Research Methodology M.Phil 5
4 Member Dharmendra Kumar Chaudary Lecturer Accountancy MBS1
